Friday, August 22, 2014


This summer has been so good, and yes, I know I've said that in every post the past month, but it is so true! Right now I want to share some photos from the best party this summer - Or it was actually like a one day festival and it was just awesome!

These two guys who arranged it were working so hard in advance and their hard work, and creative minds, really paid off. They had made a private beach, an outdoor water closet and sink, a beach watch tower, a dj booth with an actual dj and rented equipment. They had a bathtub with ice to hold beer cold, barbecues so people could make food during the day, air mattresses that everyone could use on the lake and of course a beer pong table!

The event is called Sol, pils og utendørsaktivitet (SPU for short and Sun, beer and outdoor activity in English). It was my first year attending this party, but not my last! For some it has already become a tradition, and next year it is going to extend from one to two days. So if you live in Telemark (Norway) this is one of the festivals you definitely should check out next summer!

Have you been to any festivals this summer?

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