Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Camp Grønn at Roskilde Festival'13

Before I tell you a little bit about our camp I have to tell you something that happened this weekend. I met a fellow blogger named Aurora, out on town after a few drinks of course. She was supercute! It is always fun to meet people with blogs you read or that you know read your blog (does not happen often). Check out her blog!

This was my third year at Roskilde and also my third year with the awesome gang of Camp Grønn. Grønn means green in Norwegian (and also Danish and Swedish) and green is the colour of our bar/sound system which is a very important asset to our camp.

I have come to really like our camp. There are so many different personalities and some have such crazy imaginations. This year one of the guys came up with the idea that we should take a picture of our crotches in front of the Orange Stage and get it printed on a t-shirt for the birthday boy. And we all agreed that it was a good idea so we did! Haha, best t-shirt ever.

We also did bury a time capsule because some of the guys wanted to dig a hole in the ground. It was actually going to be a gipsy trap of some kind, I think it is best that it didn't turn out that way.

The founders of our camp have been thinking about making a fond for the camp where we all can put in a few bucks when we have some to spare. In this way it would be easier to improve our sound system and if anyone lacks some money for the ticket we could use the fond. After a few jokes we concluded that the fond would be used to treat girls with tickets to get more girls in our camp. This year we were only two girls in the camp, but suddenly one day another girl joined us. She was only there for a few concerts, but it is always nice with some extra estrogen.

As you all know I participated in a wedding at this years festival, and I would never have gotten that chance if I wasn't in our camp. Well, then I probably wouldn't be at Roskilde at all I guess. But I met the bride and groom through our camp because we have linked up and partied with their camp, Coffin Camp, a few times. One of this years parties, the wedding party, was insane!

We had lots of awesome parties with our green bar. Sometimes we link up with other sound systems like the coffin and other times we just take our bar out for a ride around the camp area. Because our sound system is also a bar it goes without saying, I guess, that we also mix our drinks on it and keep our beer in it. But this bar also works as a stage for whoever wants to dance on it (like me). Now it has also become a thing that you need to undress to dance on the bar. We had no naked people this year, but the bar has seen a few of those and a lot of people in their underwear. And of course one of our guys in his pj's.

I have met so many amazing people by living in our camp. I really have made some good friends and I am looking forward to camping with them all again. And to see if any new people joins us.

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