Tuesday, May 14, 2013

I would never diss my own momma just to get recognition (Eminem)

Some people comment that it seems like bloggers live these perfect lives. It is easy to get this imprecision because we love to share the good moments. We post picture we like and write about things that excite us because this is what we choose to share. Most bloggers want their blog to be something readers will find positive and inspiring. That's why we read blogs, to get inspired. So when I don't blog for a few days it often means that I am uninspired and unable to feel inspiring to others.

Off course I could blog about the fact that my work out plan did not work out (hoho) and that my dinner on Sunday was four pieces of brownies that I made last week with the blueberry/raspberry/lemon sorbet I made on Saturday. Oh, and I had dessert, another four pieces of brownies. And that I spent my Friday and Saturday night alone on the sofa or in my makeup room with a glass of wine feeling lonely while my boyfriend was at work. I've spent several weekend this way, but this is not what I choose to share.

I share with you the makeup looks I did this weekend and the findings I do on web shops. The pictures I am pleased with, taken when I am bored, end up here. I might share some recipes and food pictures because I am starting to enjoy cooking more and more now. Would you like that? I share things that inspire me hoping it can inspire someone else.

I guess my point is that as a reader I want to read the positive things a blogger does because I have enough worries of my own, and I think most readers do. This doesn't mean that bloggers are perfect people with clean homes, a new outfit every day, fresh makeup at all times and a constant smile on their face. We blog for ourselves, not only for our readers, and sometimes what we need to do to feel a bit better about ourselves is to give the imprecision that we are in fact living a perfect life.

What do you like to read about on blogs?


  1. veldig mange gode poenger! Jeg liker forøvrig å lese om forskjellige ting, men jeg har forskjellige blogger jeg leser for forskjellige ting, man finner som regel sin nisje.

    Når det kommer til din elsker jeg å få inspirasjon til sminke, som jeg ikke klarer å legge selv, men som jeg kan drømme om :)

  2. Mange smarte tanker her, frøken! Selv synes jeg også det er fint å lese såre tekster - men som regel er jo også de fylt av kreativitet, men på en helt annen måte. Jeg liker også å ha en blogg der jeg samler det fine, men allikevel vise at ikke alt er perfekt. Å lese om at alle har perfekte liv gjør meg litt sprø i blant!


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