Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The 8 Truths (challenge)

A few days ago I read this post on Sivs blog and found my name at the bottom of the post. She wrote a post with 8 facts, or truths, about herself and challenged me to do the same. So here I go.

One. I love tv series like Top Model, Stylistene (styling), Ink Master og Hjelp, han pusser opp (interiour). These shows have beauty, fashion, competitions, drama and so much inspiration. My favourite is Top Model because of all the incredible photos and photoshoot, but also because of the amazing makeup and outfit looks. So inspiring.

Two. I am very lazy. Actually I am too lazy to even cleanse my skin properly at night. 50% off the time I use cleansing wipes. And I call myself a beautyblogger, shame on me! I must add that I always use cleanser and toner in the morning though. Just so you won't think I'm a filthy slob.

Three. People compliment me on how much I'm working. The truth is I am trapped in an evil circle which started when I went to school and lived at my moms house. I got my first job and work became my get away. It has been for a while, now I don't know how to get away. Maybe it will be easier when I start school in fall, maybe not. But hey, my savings account is not complaining so I shouldn't either!

Four. I am a very social person and for a long time I was the one who would gather my friends together. The gang. They're all crazy and so fun to be with. All I would do was gather them then listen and laugh, I am seldom the one entertaining.

Five. I don't use deodorant. Haha, weird fact about me! I haven't used deodorant for 4 years. You might be thinking I'm gross right now, but I don't stink (I think)! To be honest I feel like I had more problems with sweat and bad odor when I used deodorant. Even on days I actually wore it I had some problems with sweat and bad odor, but now it is no problem at all.

Six. My dream as a little girl was to be a model. We all had that dream right? That's why there are shows like Top Model! I wanted to fill in a form at a model agencys webpage back when I was in school, but I am too short so I never sent it.

Seven. I want babies. Not today. Not tomorrow. But one day I'll have babies. The thing is that I want babies, not children. Children these days are spoiled and ill-mannered. Well, you just don't spoile them then, right? It's not that easy when all the other kids have this and that so "why can't I have it, mom? Everyone at school has it!" and that is not just something he is making up to get something. But babies are so cute! I want babies.

Eight. I want to explore the world. Go backpacking, couch surfing or just travel to tourist sights or places people wouldn't go for their normal vacations. I want to see big cities and villages. Take funny or beautiful pictures with the Eiffel Tower in the background. Walk on the Chinese Wall. Look out over the city on top of London Eye. Go to Tokyo. Go to Rome. Go to northern Norway and see the midnight sun or to Vestlandet and see Preikestolen. Go to India. Ireland. Cuba. Hawaii. Africa. Asia. Europe. America. It doesn't matter where, I wanna go there.

I don't really have anyone to pass this challenge on to, but if you decide to do it then please let me know!
What do you think about this post?

1 comment:

  1. Disse er fine, Jeanette!!! Jeg sleit skikkelig med deodoranter - enten var de rennende eller så lukta de eller etc, men så fant jeg en super en, og nå trives jeg med deo, tihi! Var hos en frisør, og hun er imot alt tilsatt, og hun er motstander mot deodorant. Jeg tror hun sa man kan ... få en eller annen sykdom av det. Skal vi reise verden rundt sammen?? OG du er flink å jobbe - tror ikke det er den verste uvanen man kan ha, iallfall! Ps. FINA!


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